Simlindile Xolo

B. Sci.Pol, LLB

Rhodes University

Simlindile Xolo

What led me to this career? Unlike many other law graduates who knew from their early childhood that law was their passion, I actually stumbled upon law as a career. Being a bachelor of Social Sciences graduate I had the luxury of choosing my courses. Then, I ended up taking legal theory as an elective. By the end of the first semester, I had made the decision to pursue law as a career because of how much it challenged me. My interest in law spiralled when I took Constitutional law and contract; and the rest was history.

In my downtime I like to

Catch up on my favourite series

Favourite sport


Recommended read

Boundaries” by Dr Henry Cloud

Favourite game

Truth or Dare

If you could choose any person from history to be your friend, who would it be and why?

Michelangelo- As a person who values creativity, and as a huge Art fan, I am very intrigued by his creativity. When I look at his work, even through my screen, I am amazed by the ability to create work of such magnitude. The ability of artists to make something like rock to appear soft is pure magic.

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