Sinead McElligott


Univeristy of the Witwatersrand

Sinead McElligott

What led me to this career? I enjoy public speaking and exploring different  perspectives to find solutions. My passion for English, history, and problem-solving led me to law, where I seek meaningful and challenging work.

In my downtime I like to

Relax, read, swim, spend time with family and watch my favourite shows and movies.

Favourite sport

Table Tennis

Recommended read

Americana by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Favourite game

30 Seconds & Blderdash

If you could choose any person from history to be your friend, who would it be and why?

I would choose to be friends with Princess Diana because of her empathy, grace, and courage. Despite facing intense public scrutiny, she remained deeply committed to helping others, challenging societal norms, and raising her children with love and compassion, leaving a lasting legacy of kindness and humanity.

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